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Overcoming Your Fear of Delegation

Emily, a Director of In Tune Business Solutions, writing notes and smiling.

Delegation is an essential skill for running a successful business but the reality is that many of us struggle to delegate. Your fear of delegation often comes from a desire for control, perfectionism or lack of trust in others (or perhaps a combination of these). Overcoming your fear will lead to increased productivity and reduced overwhelm. I’d like to share with you some of my tips on how you can overcome your fear of delegation and reclaim your time back.

Small Steps

Start with delegating smaller, recurring tasks. This will give you confidence in others’ abilities and then you can gradually increase the complexity and importance of the tasks you delegate.

Clear Communication

To delegate effectively, you need to ensure that communication is clear. It is important that you set clear expectations, provide necessary resources and establish realistic deadlines to ensure tasks are successfully completed.

Build Trust

Getting to know the person you are delegating tasks to builds trust and confidence in their skills. This trust not only makes delegation smoother but also boosts overall performance

Focus on The Bigger Picture

Don’t forget to focus on the what and the why - the bigger picture. When desired outcomes are clearly defined, the tasks will be completed as expected. By stepping away from the detail of the process and focusing on the bigger picture, you will feel empowered and more innovative.

Overcoming your fear of delegation will enhance your productivity and reduce your overwhelm. By starting with small tasks, maintaining clear communication, building trust and focusing on the bigger picture, you can gradually reclaim your time and streamline your operations. To further explore strategies for effective delegation and reclaiming your time, download my Delegating for Success: How to Boost Your Productivity and Reduce Overwhelm Workbook HERE.

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